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Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Below are some additional pictures from the Tatum 2005 Summer Camp. More pictures to follow.Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Sacramento Kenpo Karate
Juan Serrano demonstrating a technique at his seminar (right).

Sacramento Martial ArtsSome of the guys are hamming it up at the award’s ceremony! (below)

Kevin Mills (right) receiving his recognition certificate for teaching a series of terrific seminars.
Sacramento Kenpo Karate SchoolSacramento Kenpo KarateCliff received his sixth degree promotional kick from Darryl Liner. (below)
Sacramento Kenpo Karate

The seminars were excellent and much was learned.
He taught his usual terrific seminar on sparring.
Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Camey Psaromatis (right), pinning her partner, Amy Long.

Four black belts (below) from four different schools.Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova at Mather Sports Facility.    

About Sacramento Kenpo Karate

I run Sacramento Kenpo Karate with Ron Nakamoto, the love of my life. (That's both Ron AND Kenpo - lol)


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