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Kenpo In General

SIXES: An Overview

     Sixes come in two basic varieties; warm, or ‘phobic’ sixes and ‘counter-phobic sixes.

Both share the same underlying core issues, but their reactions vary in one distinct way.   When confronted by fear, the phobic sixes react in a fearful way and the counter-phobic sixes react with anger.  Sixes have trouble trusting themselves and trusting others.  This can cause a certain amount of paranoia and can also make decision-making difficult.  They have a tendency to argue the opposite of what someone says to use a basis for making their decisions.  Fear is their core issue.  They are ‘head’ people and hare prone to waxing philosophic (to some known as mental masturbation).  They make fabulous decisions when the perameters are clearly defined, but have a terrible time when they are not.  They like to use phrases like ‘perhaps’, ‘maybe’ and ‘possibley’ (often when they mean yes.”)  They like to belong to a group, which can be a club of like-minded people, the military, the police force, or some kind of political group.  Sixes often enjoy philosophy and politics.  They’re often good with numbers and are good at detail-oriented tasks.  They tend towards masochistic thought patterns and their humor is often self-deprecating and/or physical.  (Think Woody Allen and Steven Martin.)  It’s not unusual for them to have weight issues and/or issues surrounding food.  They think about food frequently.  They are often traditional in their values and usually love children. 

When not in romantic relationships, they feel lonely.  They have trouble with relationships to others, but feel most fulfilled when in one.  The thing they most need to learn is tolerance.  This could mean tolerance for people for other races, or nationalities or it could be as simple as having tolerance for other people’s stupidity.  Sixes are hard workers, though they can lean towards procrastination.  They are usually interested in mainstream religions.  They are very private people, but can be found in therapy where they can feel safe to talk about themselves.  One of their defense mechanisms is denial.  They also respond to conflict with spite.  They feel tremendous guilt over many things.  They are emotional people and wear their hearts on their sleeves.

About Sacramento Kenpo Karate

I run Sacramento Kenpo Karate with Ron Nakamoto, the love of my life. (That's both Ron AND Kenpo - lol)


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