
amy long

This category contains 44 posts

Kenpo Continuum Volume 2

‘KENPO CONTINUUM‘ The Goal: To create a book which validates some of the many kenpo practioners who have done so much for our art. Why It’s Needed: Kenpo karate is a huge tree with many branches. The kenpo system has split into many different facets over the years, especially since the death of Ed Parker … Continue reading

Slideshow of Kenpo Pictures

Here is a cool new slideshow thingy with some pictures on it. http://widget-15.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf Get Your Own! | View Slideshow American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the … Continue reading

Sacramento kenpo Karate

Hello all. This will be my last post on the blog. I have decided to take my kenpo in a new direction. Unfortunately, this will take me away from the school. Tara is leaving as well. I’ve been a part of Mr. Liner’s school for six of the last 12 years and I have really … Continue reading

Sacramento kenpo Karate

Hello all. This will be my last post on the blog. I have decided to take my kenpo in a new direction. Unfortunately, this will take me away from the school. Tara is leaving as well. I’ve been a part of Mr. Liner’s school for six of the last 12 years and I have really … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Baltimore Kenpo Karate Event American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova at Mather Sports Facility. … Continue reading

More pictures from the Baltimore Kenpo Camp

Here are a few more pictures from the Baltimore, Maryland event. It was a truly memorable fantastic event and I learned so much that I can hardly wait to share with my students!Larry Tatum and Tony Dunne at the awards banquet. Tony came over from Ireland. This was the whole group at dinner. Larry & … Continue reading

More pictures from the Baltimore Kenpo Camp

Here are a few more pictures from the Baltimore, Maryland event. It was a truly memorable fantastic event and I learned so much that I can hardly wait to share with my students!Larry Tatum and Tony Dunne at the awards banquet. Tony came over from Ireland. This was the whole group at dinner. Larry & … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Hello! I am back from vacation and have found a few changes. The good news is that we have a new student, Lynne, who just joined us. She’s been to two classes so far and is doing a great job. The sad news is that it seems both April and Chris won’t be able to … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Hello! I am back from vacation and have found a few changes. The good news is that we have a new student, Lynne, who just joined us. She’s been to two classes so far and is doing a great job. The sad news is that it seems both April and Chris won’t be able to … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

New Black Belt at the School and Stripe Promotions Tonight (Wed.), we had a smaller class. Tara was unable to make it, but we did have Mitch, Aaron, Mario, Corrina, Claudia, Keylan, and Kayla. Trish was there, but her daughter her hurt finger, so she had to leave. Chris hasn’t been able to come to … Continue reading