
martial arts

This category contains 98 posts

Hello Everyone,

Quote – “I do not love the bright sword for it’s sharpness, nor the arrow for it’s swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend” — J.R.R. Tolkien Wow! Can you believe that we are already more than halfway through the year? Before you know it, it will be … Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Quote – “I do not love the bright sword for it’s sharpness, nor the arrow for it’s swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend” — J.R.R. Tolkien Wow! Can you believe that we are already more than halfway through the year? Before you know it, it will be … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

More Promotions More promotions at Sacramento Kenpo Karate. Chad and Kirk got their yellow belts! Woot! They have been practicing hard and they look really good. It has been odd not to have Eugene in class, but his work schedule doesn’t permit him to be there. Ron and I met in Ron’s garage on Sunday … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

More Promotions More promotions at Sacramento Kenpo Karate. Chad and Kirk got their yellow belts! Woot! They have been practicing hard and they look really good. It has been odd not to have Eugene in class, but his work schedule doesn’t permit him to be there. Ron and I met in Ron’s garage on Sunday … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Jeff Lane was Promoted!! Last class, we had a promotion! Jeff was promoted to orange belt. He was not expecting it, which is what made it all the more fun. We did our normal warm up for class, then I told everyone to go stand by the wall…..except for Jeff. The look on his face … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Jeff Lane was Promoted!! Last class, we had a promotion! Jeff was promoted to orange belt. He was not expecting it, which is what made it all the more fun. We did our normal warm up for class, then I told everyone to go stand by the wall…..except for Jeff. The look on his face … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

We have been having a lot of fun, as always, at Sacramento Kenpo Karate. Ron Nakamoto has been visiting our school regularly and bringing a wealth of knowledge with him. As a ‘returning the favor’ thing, he took me to his school where I got to watch Arnie Inouye teach form six. He and I … Continue reading

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

We have been having a lot of fun, as always, at Sacramento Kenpo Karate. Ron Nakamoto has been visiting our school regularly and bringing a wealth of knowledge with him. As a ‘returning the favor’ thing, he took me to his school where I got to watch Arnie Inouye teach form six. He and I … Continue reading

Sacramento Martial Arts

We had the most amazing test on the first Wed. in April. Bryan Parker tested for his third brown, Tricia Stirling tested for her blue and Steve Holland tested for his blue as well. They have all been training really hard for this test, so it was no wonder that they did so well. As … Continue reading

Sacramento Martial Arts

We had the most amazing test on the first Wed. in April. Bryan Parker tested for his third brown, Tricia Stirling tested for her blue and Steve Holland tested for his blue as well. They have all been training really hard for this test, so it was no wonder that they did so well. As … Continue reading