
sacramento martial arts

This tag is associated with 103 posts

Kenpo Karate Techniques

THE BACK BREAKER (flank step through right punch) 1. With feet together facing 12:00, step forward and to your right to 1:30 with your right foot as you execute a double parry (left inward parry followed by your right outward parry) outside of opponent’s right arm.2. Step to 2:00 with your left foot as your … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

GLANCING WING (front left uppercut punch)1. While in a right neutral bow, simultaneously deliver a right inward block outside of opponent’s left uppercut while delivering a left vertical fist to opponent’s face.2. Immediately hook your left hand down and out (clockwise) outside of opponent’s left arm as you deliver a right chopping uppercut punch to … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CLIPPING THE STORM (front right thrusting club) 1. Step toward 11:00 with your left foot (left neutral bow), as you deliver a left downward handsword to the outside of opponent’s left forearm, simultaneously cocking your right hand near your right ear.2. Shift (in place) to a left forward bow as you deliver a right downward … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

KNEEL OF COMPULSION (flank step through right punch) 1. With feet together and facing 12:00, step forward and to your right to 1:30 with your right foot (into a right neutral bow) as you execute a double parry (left hand followed by your right) outside of opponent’s right arm.2. Step to 2:00 with your left … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

SECURING THE STORM (front right roundhouse club) 1. With feet together, step in with your left foot to 12:00 (into a left neutral bow) and deliver a left extended outward to the inside of opponent’s right wrist. Simultaneously deliver a right vertical punch to opponent’s face.2. Slide your right foot clockwise to 10:30 (into a … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CROSS OF DEATH (front two hand cross choke) 1. With opponent cross choking you (with his left hand over his right) and you’re facing him, pin his hands with your left hand (making sure greater pressure is on his left hand) as you step forward with your right foot to 12:00 (into a right neutral … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

TAMING THE MACE (front step through right punch) 1. With feet together, step to 11:00 with your left foot as your left hand parries (inward) your opponent’s right punch from the outside. Simultaneously deliver a right inward hand sword to inside of opponent’s right biceps.2. Immediately, while your left hand checks and grabs opponent’s right … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CONQUERING SHIELD (front left stiff arm lapel grab and possible right punch) 1. With feet together, simultaneously pin opponent’s left arm with your left hand as your right vertical forearm strikes against opponent’s left elbow to break, then glances off the elbow into a right vertical punch to his face (compound strike), as you execute … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CAPTURING THE STORM (front right overhead club) 1. With feet together, step forward and to your left with your left foot to 11:00 into a horse stance. Simultaneously deliver a cross block (your right hand over your left) to the wrist of the attacking hand. At this point your cross block should be angled off … Continue reading

Kenpo Karate Techniques

HEAVENLY ASCENT (front two hand choke – arms straight) 1. With feet together and opponent applying choke, step forward with your right foot to 12:00 as both of your hands clasp together and execute a two arm upward wedge strike to inside of opponent’s forearms to break the choke.2. Pivot slightly (into a horse) and … Continue reading